Do you volunteer during the Holidays? What organizations do you donate your time to? How do you teach your children the true meaning of the holidays?
I guess I already described my favorite volunteer work in the Day 2 post - Operation Christmas Child. We not only donate our time to the processing center, but we also pack shoeboxes through out the year.
Other things we do:
- My work sponsors Beacon of Hope. Kids from less fortunate families make a wish list and we buy the toys off the list.
- My church has a Christmas Store where we donate toys and then the parents can buy them for 25 cents to the dollar. That way they are still have the dignity of being able to provide for their family in an affordable way. The store has also offered Christmas trees for $5-10. We toys and work at the store.
We teach Morgan the true meaning of Christmas by our actions and through conversations we have about Jesus. We have her participate in the charity events. We read books that explain Christmas is Jesus' birthday and we go to church.
Our church is very big on volunteering through out the year. We are encouraged not to be "pew potatoes" and to donate our time each month. They also have a philosophy of 5+5. This means that what ever we tythe to the church, we should cut in half and find other organizations and missions to give the other half to. When it comes to charity and Christmas time, it is not any different for us than the other 11 months of year.
That is awesome! We give to Operation Christmas Child! It is a wonderful organization.
We also love stuffing shoeboxes! I've never heard of the 5+5 before, that is very interesting. It sometimes seems too sacrificial to give above our tithe. Bless you!
We also love stuffing shoeboxes! I've never heard of the 5+5 before, that is very interesting. It sometimes seems too sacrificial to give above our tithe. Bless you!
Operation Christmas Child is on a lot of lists today, I am going to do this this year! My oldest will find it so fun
I have never done Operation Christmas Child but I think Daniel would enjoy it. I will have to find a local donation center. I am trying to convince our corporate office to let my office sponsor a family for Christmas this year. Maybe they will go for it!
Sounds like you and your family are doing great things!
Sounds like you belong to a great church.
I've never heard of Operation Christmas Child, but I will definitely have to look into it.
It seems so many families donate to Operation Christmas Child, but I'm another that hadn't heard of it... off to look it up now!
awesome post! I'm sure your children are learning some great lessons from you and your DH.
operation christmas child is a great organization!
You and your family sound like very generous people! And it's wonderful that your community and church gets so involved in helping others.
It is awesome you donate your time as well!! I am loving Operation Christmas Child! Now I can use the tons of shoeboxes I have!
I recently found out about the packing shoe boxes and I am looking forward to doing that this year!
Wow! I think Morgan has no choice but to grow up with a knowledge of the real meaning! Way to go Mom!
You are an inspiration!
I'm a little bit lost on where I have been leaving comments, I hope this isn't my second one here. I like doing shoeboxes.
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