The next morning we woke up to these views.

Every year Morgan picks a cake that isn't flat and every year it is an absolute disaster to cut. I guess it doesn't matter how it looks on the plate, only how it tastes in the belly.
The theme for the day was bravery. Morgan was so brave and tried two new things. First, she wanted to go on the slide in the deep end. This slide dumps you out a good four feet above the water. You can sort of tell how high up it is in the picture below, behind Laura's (in the white shirt) head. And did I mention it's in the deep end? And that Morgan's still not the best swimmer?
Well, we went with her over to slide and sat on the edge so we could rescue her if the need be while Eddie jumped into the water and tread water, waiting for her at the bottom. She climbed to the top and then sat there, and sat there, and sat there. Finally, she climbed back down the steps all shaken and upset. She agreed to try again if I stood at the bottom of the stairs near her. And this time, with a slight hesitation, she did it! And then she did it again, and again and again with us all just standing on the side. The funny thing is, that she never came up for a breathe after she went in. She would go down and immediately start swimming to the side. I later told her it would be easier if she came up, took a breath and then started to swim, but she informed me that she preferred it the other way.
After conquering the deep end slide, she really wanted to do the big slide. Technically, she was not tall enough to go down, but since her taller friends were doing it, we thought we'd see if they would let her anyways. After all, this slide ended in the shallow water, and if she could handle the other one, surely she could handle this one.
So she headed up there, made it passed the lifeguard, and we waited and waited and waited for her to come down. Finally, she climbed back down the steps all shaken and upset (sound familiar?). I offered to go up with her.
On the way up she told me her concerns. In one spot the sides were lower - would she fall out? Of course not. They would never, ever make it so a kid could fall out, they have to make it safe. The water at the top was really hard and it freaked her out. It's only hard at the top because it has to push all the way down the slide. Once you get going, it's fine.
When it got to be her turn, she asked the lifeguard to give her a little push. And down she went...
...again and again and again.
On Tuesday, they read "The Three Snow Bears", an adaption of "Goldilocks and the Three Bears". They played Hibernation Food Hunt. When the lights were off, they had to sleep on their mats, when the lights were on, they had to find food super quick. I asked her if they had any animal visitors and she looked at me like I had three heads.
No mom, we learned about bears today.
Well yesterday you learned about wolves but you still had a visitor.
Yes, well there isn't an animal related to a bear that would be safe to bring into the classroom.
Alrighty then.
Wednesday was all about Turtles, Tortoises and other reptiles. They visited Tropical Discovery, had turtle dress-up time, learned about all the turtles of the world, played Pin the Tongue on the Frog and made tissue paper turtles.
They also had a Sloth vs Jaguar Race, played Fast and Slow Simon Says and had a Tortoise and Hare Relay Race. The highlight of the day for her was a visit to the cheetah's exhibit, her favorite animal. She was still talking about the cheetah this weekend. I was informed that cheetahs are the only cat's who's claws don't retract? They stay out all the time so they can run fast through the long African grass. Looks like Morgan isn't the only one learning something new from the zoo camp.
Friday was the final day and Morgan was quite sad that it was over. The theme for the day was primates. They learned about African versus Asian primates, played move like a primate, had a gorilla grooming game, visited the primates and toured the Lorikeets (which had nothing to do with primates, but Morgan enjoyed non the less). At the end of the camp day, the families were invited to the Wildlife Show. Due to bad weather it was held inside. The kids sat up front with their groups while the parents hung out in the back of the room. They had a macaw and a red wing hawk, but the star of the show was the African Serval. We were too far back to get a picture, but here is what this cat looks like. He was kept on a leash and demonstrated how well he can leap 10 feet high into the air. It was amazing. At the end of the show, each class performed a song. Morgan's room did Goldilocks and the Three Bears.
This by far was Morgan's favorite camp. Morgan has decided to she wants to be a zookeeper when she grows up. She wants to go to this camp EVERY WEEK next year, and for fall break, and for Christmas break and for any classes they have on Saturdays. While she won't be going every week next summer (there are only two different classes offered over the summer weeks, plus this camp is expensive) we want to encourage her love for animals and will be signing her up for other offerings through out the year.