This past weekend we headed up to Rocky Mountain National Park for our camping trip. On Friday evening, after dinner we all attended the "Calling All Rangers" program at the auditorium. It was supposed to be for kids, but the first half of it was some pretty intense history. We did learn that National Parks are not protected forever. At any time, the people can vote to have a park removed. This was a pretty sad and disconcerning fact. The second half of the program was much more kid friendly. They had kids from the audience dress up in different ranger outfits and we had to guess what kind of job they did. Keaghan got choosen and she was an educational ranger. After the program, all the kids had the Ranger sign their Jr Ranger books.
The next morning we woke up to these views.

The bare mountain in this picture is considered the JFK mountain. Do you see it?

How about in this one? See his profile, and a little ways down his hand over his heart?

On Saturday, we went hiking on the Cub Lake trail. I use that term loosely as we probably didn't even go half a mile. Instead, the kids enjoyed scrambling up some rocks and playing forever in a river. Of course I forgot my camera again so just use your imagination.

After our mini-hike, we took it easy and hung around the campsite the rest of the day. The kids enjoyed putting on their own performances at the auditorium.

The next morning we packed up while the kids used the top of the camper as another one of their stages.

And then headed to the Visitor's Center where the kids sat down with a ranger to discuss their visit, turned in their books, got their Jr. Ranger badges.

On our way out, we stopped for a little while at the small amusement park outside RMNP. The slide was only $1 to go down, so Morgan went a few times.

The bumper boats were a rip off. We paid $6 and I think they were on it for only two minutes at the most.

We stopped two times on the way home to do some geocaching. Managed to find both of the caches we were looking for. We are starting to get better at this thing. It's very addictive and Morgan is always asking us when we can find more treasure. Good thing there are tons hidden right in our own backyard.
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