Tuesday, April 27, 2010

The Very Hungry Turtle

Morgan's class had to write a book based on The Very Hungry Caterpillar. The following is her story, the Very Hungry Turtle. I have inserted translations below the pictures.

The Very Hungry Turtle

One lollipop

Two hot dogs

three ice creams (Notice the m at the end of the word. She makes loops in the middle of the m on purpose, kind of like putting a heart about an i instead of the dot. It's her own personal flair.)

four sandwiches (And her writing samwiches can be blamed on Mark. That is how he likes to pronounce sandwiches. He thinks it sound cooler. When we tried to explain to Morgan that the work is actually sandwich, her response was "That's gross. Who wants to eat sand!" Again, she has her flaired out m.)

Five eggs

Two chocolates, five lollipops

A piece of seaweed.

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