Thursday, July 31, 2008
Life Style of the Rich and Famous
Our gym was offering a free trial class so of course I was going to take advantage of that. When I showed up, I found out the regular teacher for that time slot had left the gym. Apparently he had a big following so most of the students left with him. The sub was a lady who normally teachers during the day. Because of these events I ended up being the only one there so I got a private lesson. It was INCREDIBLE and so much fun!!! She was able to get me correctly into all the poses and give me some good hints/pointers. I got one of the best yoga workouts I've ever had. As we are doing these poses one one one in this beautiful studio, I felt like a rich movie star with my own personal trainer. If I really was a rich movie star with my own personal trainer, I bet I could have the same body as them! Or at least close...
Ready or Not, Here I Come
Morgan started to cry because she was really, really looking forward to moving up. Ms. Adrian (other Pre-K teacher) told her she could stay in her room if she wanted. So Morgan went up to Ms. Maria (Preschool teacher) and told her that Ms. Adrian said she could move up and she would be in the Pre-K class now. Then she marched down the hall to the Pre-K class, sat down with the other girls. As I left, I saw the older girls asking her something and Morgan replying with a big nod and a proud look on her face.
Mark got the evening report that she did a fine job and was keeping up with the kids that are about to enter Kindergarten in one week.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Lions and Tigers and Bears Oh My
This weekend we went camping with the neighbors. They bought the same camper as we have, so we were helping them on their maiden voyage. We went up to Fredrick near Pine. When we arrived at the campsite the camp host warned us that bears have been coming into the campsite. When their is bright sun and loud people all around you, this news isn't so disconcerning. However, when it's night time and you hear loud stomping around your site followed by snorting the news is a bit more disconcerning. What was worse was this noise was followed by the camper shaking from side to side a couple of times, more stomping and then loud banging on the dumpsters three sites down. Needless to say, I was pretty scared. Meanwhile, Mark and Morgan were snoring away and my brave, brave guard dog was whimpering quietly. I at least expected her to give us some warning/help!
Besides the exciting bear encounter, we all had a great time. There was a really cool rock formation behind our campsite where people had taken logs and wedged them betwen the rocks as balance beams. The kids had a great time climbing all over this. We visited it three times. We also took the kids and dogs for a hike along the stream. It's amazing how well kids can hike when there is a group of them egging each other on.
I think April and Tim love their camper as much as we love ours. It makes camping so much easier and more enjoyable. Plus it's better at keeping out bears than a tent!
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Fun at the Fair
The fair itself was quiet disappointing. Besides the rides and one small building of animals, there was nothing else there. Good thing the admission cost included unlimited rides. We sure got our money's worth out of that. I think Morgan rode every single ride she was big enough for except one - a big boat that swung back and forth. She said it was too high for her. Many rides she did twice - like the roller coaster. She was extremely disappointed that she couldn't ride the bumper cars yet.
We have one sneaky little girl. She was riding a boat ride that was in real water. I was watching her and could tell that she wanted to touch the water. The whole time she was keeping her eye on the guy running the ride, then she shifted to the other side of the boat so he couldn't see her hand. Next thing you know, plop into the water went her hand as quick as could be, with her eyes never leaving the guy. Tricky-tricky.
There was also a kids Mutton Bust'in competition that any kid could sign up for. Morgan really wanted to do this, that is until she saw the first couple of kids do it. For those who don't know, Mutton Bust'in is kids lying on the top of sheep and holding on for dear life as the sheep runs across a corral. She pretty much thought it was a crazy, why on earth would anyone do this, type thing.
As you can tell from the pictures, attendance wasn't exactly high tonight.

Mystery Flower

Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Little Ms. Modest
Monday, July 21, 2008
Watch Your Language
Have you ever heard the response to "guess what?" as "chicken butt"? We have been answering Morgan with "chicken butt" forever. Well we found out Madison's parents don't want her to say that. How about "bootie" when referring to ones bottom? As in "shake your bootie". Another one parents and teachers don't appreciate. And the final one (that we know about) that Morgan is not supposed to use at school is "what the heck". Even though the way she says it is so cute and Mark and I have no problem with it, we've had to explain to her that she is not supposed to say those things at school or around friends.
I guess this is one issue where we give her more leeway than most!
Saturday, July 19, 2008
A Day at the Neighbors
Madison and Morgan were the only kids at the party but they had fun. Madison has a slip and slide and watching the girls attempt to use it was hilarious. They would only go down on their stomachs when Tim had them Superman and then chucked the down. Otherwise the girls would just run through it and plop down on their butts at the end.
Morgan was playing so well and there weren't any melt downs so we stayed at their house pretty late. In the evening, the girls settled down with some Barney. I checked in on them and Morgan looked completely like a complete zombie. I asked her if she was ready to go home. The girl who still throws a complete fit over half the time we need to leave someone's house, nodded her head, got up and said goodbye to Madison and proceeded to walk out the door. She was done.
Friday, July 18, 2008
Favorite Age (Again)
She's alway really been into games, but now that she's older, she able to play more. Tonight we started to play the classic cards games. She got some Dora cards for her birthday and we busted those out and played Old Maid and Go Fish. She doesn't play her own hand yet. First she has to be able to hold all the cards in her hand at once. But she helps Mark or I play our hands. She's got the knack of the games pretty fast and Go Fish is really helping her with her numbers. Up until now she really hasn't cared about identifying numbers (She can recognize up to 6 but then gets confused). I swear I had to tell her a dozen times that yes, that is indeed still an "8". But she is having a great time and so are Mark and I.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Newest Discovery
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Count and Cook
I love the Cranium products!
Sunday, July 13, 2008
The Aftermath

After that we had to head outside to play with all the really neat bug stuff Uncle Matt got her. Between his stuff and Baba and Gigi's stuff, she was in heaven. We caught and examined a white spider, ants, some bugs I have no clue what they were, and big huge grasshoppers that have taken over the Lambs Ear. The grasshoppers were her favorite.
She also really enjoyed the singing birthday card from Uncle Matt (he did REAL good this year - just like all the other years!) I swear we heard that song a hundred times and she would laugh just as hard on the last time as the first.
She played and played all day with all the new stuff. It was a great way to decompress after yesterday.
Saturday, July 12, 2008
We Survived

They started out on the floor doing streaches and warming up. The two coaches brought out a parachute and the kids bounced stuffed animals off it and hid under it. The coaches did a great job keeping everyone enaged and changing up the activities. They moved the kids from area to area - doing floor obstacles, then the uneven bars, then the rock wall and trampoline and then a giant slide. Even the adults were having a great time. It was cake time before we knew it.
Klayton, Morgan, Taralynn

For more pictures see the link on the right.
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Gone Baby Gone
Other Side Notes:
Morgan brought cupcakes to school today. When they started to sing Happy Birthday to her, she threw a fit. Why? Because it wasn't her birthday anymore so they shouldn't sing. I've since explained to her that they will be singing to her at her birthday party too. I didn't want that to be another tantrum experience.
What Morgan wants to be when she grows up: A real Princess living in Disneyland. But she's not going to live with any boys (princes).
Monday, July 7, 2008
Happy 4th Birthday Morgan

Sunday, July 6, 2008
Party Like A Rock Star

The concert attendees were a very ecliptic group - young, old, guys with real mullets, guys wearing mullet wigs, people dressed conservatively, people dressed, ummm, not so conservatively. It was an interesting crowd. But when the lights went down, we all had one thing in common - the desire to rock out to Poison. And did we! The concert was awesome. Nothing like flashing back to your teenage years.
After the concert we went to a local bar where C.C. Deville was hosting an after party. Luckily our hotel was only a block away so we could walk to the bar. We would have much rather seen Bret Michaels, but his after party was in a different town and we were not up for driving. Not a good sign when the band doesn't put in an appearance together after the concert. The bar was a mad house. We got our pic, he signed my Ed Hardy shirt (he even told me "Cool shirt") and then we were out of that crazy place.
The picture was taken on Mark's camera phone in a dark bar, so it's not the best, but it's better than nothing.
Friday, July 4, 2008
4th of July Fun
We had a great one with lots of fun activities. During the day, we took Morgan swimming at the Fitness Club. We bought her swimming goggles for her swim lessons and she loves those things. She was dunking herself all the way under the water with those things on. She's come such a long way from the girl who would scream because her ears would get wet in a bath.
After swimming, we went over to the Moore's house for some BBQ festivities. Hannah and Caleb were playing baseball and Morgan was watching intensely. She plays T-ball at home, but hasn't tried to swing at a moving target before. She decided she wanted to try - and without any help. Now Morgan isn't the most athletic. She's very good at gymnastics, but isn't the best runner or most agile one out there. It's taken her several months to get good at riding a biking, so I was thinking this wasn't going to go well. She fooled me! She made contact with that ball during each of her turns. Towards the end, she was hitting the ball four times in a row. I was very impressed.
When it got dark, we headed down to the Town Hall for the firework show. Morgan does not like loud noises so we prepared her. Once the show started, she had her hands over her ears. I thought she might be scared, but then she started talking about how the multi-colored ones were her favorite. The show was quite impressive and lasted about 25 minutes.
Morgan was asleep before we even left the parking lot.

Eddie, Morgan and Caleb

Our baseball bunch
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Don't Try and Pull One Over on Her
This morning, Morgan decided to take the matter into her own hands. She saw Ashley's mom leaving and ran after her shouting "You need to take the invitation home." Her mom stops, turns around to look at Morgan with a puzzled look. "The thing taped, to Ashley's cubbie, it's an invitation to my birthday party. You need to take it home." Her mom replied "Oh, OK. I will".
Way to take things into her own hands!