We had a great Labor Day weekend camping with the Banaitis Family outside of Colorado Springs. Since our last camping trip was rained out, we promised we would take Morgan to The North Pole this time. So, on Saturday, we took the kiddos and we were there for six whole hours. I was expecting a really cheesy place, but honestly, I really liked it and we had a great time. The kids are at the age where us adults can drag them onto the rides that we really like too. One of the more adult ones which was pretty intense, The Paratrooper, was her favorite one but her least favorite was the Tilt-a-whirl. We had it going pretty good, to the point that I was worried about being sick. The whole time Morgan was screaming "I don't really like this ride. No! I don't like this one!".
Before we got to The North Pole, Morgan talked a pretty big game about how she was going to give Santa a hug. Once we got there, we saw him out in the park and she hide behind my legs. The second time we saw him, she at least waved to him, but she wasn't stepping foot inside his house no way no how. Out of the four kids, only Keaghan - the seven year old - would go and see him in his house.
The kids were so worn out that night, Morgan actually Mark "would it be alright if I went to bed right after the s'mores".
And she did.